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RPM - Primary Lockup - White 1

RPM: Rapid Planning Method Event Terms & Conditions



    You agree to pay Robbins Research International, Inc. (“RRI”), the tuition amount as you selected for the event and program selected. Tuition includes the event session(s) (which may be live in-person or offered as a digital virtual format at RRI’s discretion), applicable course materials, and 30 day trial access to the RPM software. For live, in-person events, transportation, lodging and food costs are not included.
    • Your purchase is for the 2024 RPM event only (the “2024 RPM Event”). If you do not attend the 2024 RPM Event on the dates it is provided by RRI, RRI will terminate your contract and you will forfeit all tuition paid to RRI. 
    • Transfer of Live, In-Person Events: Subject to the applicable transfer fees, you may transfer one time to other RRI events or products; provided however that such transfer shall only be valid for an additional 12 months from the start date of the 2024 RPM Event from which you are transferring. You must do so by notifying us in writing. If you choose to transfer, you relinquish your priority standing in the program for which you were enrolled, and your transfer is subject to availability of other RRI events. For live in person, events, if you transfer within 45 days of your scheduled program, because it would be extremely difficult and impractical to assess the actual damages suffered by us because of your transfer, then as liquidated damages, and not as a penalty, the following amounts apply, and in the cases other than forfeiture, will be added to your tuition for the 2024 RPM Event.
      • 46+ Days: $0
      • 31-45 Days: $149
    • Transfer of Digital Virtual Events: If you are unable to attend the virtual 2024 RPM Event for any reason, call the RRI Customer Service Department prior to the beginning of the virtual 2024 RPM Event to transfer your enrollment to other RRI events or products. For digital virtual events, if you transfer within 21 days of your scheduled program, because it would be extremely difficult and impractical to assess the actual damages suffered by us because of your transfer, then as liquidated damages, and not as a penalty, the following amounts apply, and in the cases other than forfeiture, will be added to your tuition for the 2024 RPM Event.
      • 21+ Days: $0
      • 8-20 Days: $149
      • Less than 8 days: $199
    • Previously transferred and complimentary tickets are not eligible. If after you transfer, and you are unable to attend the virtual chosen RRI event, contact your Personal Sales Representative at least seven days prior to the beginning of the chosen virtual RRI event. We will move your enrollment to a non-refundable RRI event Voucher which must be used within one year from the chosen virtual RRI event date, and the above transfer fees shall still apply. At that point, you will not be eligible for the Satisfaction Guarantee as provided in Section 7 herein.  Some restrictions apply.
    • Full Payment: Your Full Payment is due at the time of your purchase
    • Finance Plan: RRI may offer a third party financing plan. If offered by RRI and if approved, a deposit in an amount as determined by RRI is due at time of enrollment. You will then have minimum payments of the amount that was financed due monthly.
    • Approximately one week prior to the 2024 RPM Event, you will be provided a 30 day free trial access to the RPM Software. You must cancel your free access within the 30 day period or RRI will charge your credit card used for the RPM Event or the free trial for the annual subscription amount or the monthly subscription amount (which subscription amounts you will be provided advance notice of by RRI at the time of receiving access to the free trial)
    • Default: If you do not pay your tuition by the agreed-upon payment terms, then you will be considered in default of this Agreement. You will forfeit your enrollment. RRI will have the right, to terminate this contract, and upon such termination, you will be subject to the Damages Fee set forth in item 4(C), below.
    • 72-Hour Cancellation: You may cancel this transaction without penalty or obligation by submitting to Robbins Research International, Inc., a written notice prior to midnight of the third business day after the date of your purchase. Your notice must be submitted to tonyrobbins.com/help with Attn: 2024 RPM EVENT CANCELATION in the Subject Field. Faxed notices are not acceptable. (Note: Refunds will take approximately 4-6 weeks to post to your account.)
    • Damages Fee: Because it would be extremely difficult and impractical to assess actual damages suffered by us in the event you default or terminate your Agreement you agree to be charged $195. This is a nonrefundable, nonreturnable Damages Fee.
    • No-Show Fee: If you do not attend the 2024 RPM Event (whether virtual or live event) without express written consent from RRI, you will forfeit your tuition for the event.
    • Discount Verification: Any discount (if any) from any of the Plans offered for the 2024 RPM Event are subject to verification of eligibility of the discount by RRI. If after entering into the Agreement, RRI determines that you do not meet the eligibility qualifications for the discount offered, your Plan will revert to the full price of that Plan as stated at the time of your purchase.
    • If you have selected the Finance Plan and you subsequently cancel this Agreement for any reason (including without limitation, exercising RRI’s Satisfaction Guarantee as stated in paragraph 7 below), in addition to any other Damages Fees as described herein, you agree that all payments of interest made by you to the third-party financing company, shall not be credited to you by RRI in calculating a refund due (if any) because of such cancellation. The Damages Fee as provided in section 4.C., herein, shall continue to apply in determining whether any refund is due to you.
    • Warranties: You acknowledge that you are not relying upon any warranties, promises, guarantees or representations made by RRI or any one acting or claiming to act on behalf of RRI unless it is in writing and made a part of this Agreement. All advertising material and all prior representations or agreements, if any, whether oral or written, are hereby superseded by this Agreement. This Agreement contains the entire understanding and agreement between you and RRI. No sales person of RRI or any other agents have authority to modify the terms of this Agreement.
    • Terms & Conditions: Your approval and execution of additional Terms & Conditions will be required prior to admission. You may request a copy from RRI upon signing this Agreement. Failure to sign the Terms & Conditions will be deemed a cancellation of this Agreement. You will not be admitted to the applicable session until all course registration and questionnaire forms (if any) are returned to RRI.
    • Subject to Change: Dates, times, locations, and structure of events are subject to change, including without limitation if any event are being offered live in person or via a remote digital format.
    • Private Event: RRI reserves the right to send a participant home (or remove any participant from any virtual event environment) for any reason it deems appropriate. In such cases, there will be no refund for meals, transportation, or lodging, if applicable. Tuition credits and refunds for the event will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
    • Translation: This session and content will be offered in English only and RRI will not be offering any Translation for this event or sessions. If in the future RRI offers this event and in its sole discretion offers translation services, then RRI may charge an additional fee for such translation services.
    • Transaction Fees/Exchange Rate: You may be charged foreign or other transaction fees by your bank in connection with this purchase, and you agree that you will be responsible for any such charges. RRI is not responsible for any exchange rate fluctuations.
    • You understand that all materials, concepts, and information (collectively “Materials”) presented by RRI during this 2024 RPM Event, either orally, in writing, or through the RPM Software, are the property of RRI and are protected by copyright, trademark, trade secret, and other applicable laws. You acknowledge that the Materials constitute commercially valuable, proprietary, confidential property of RRI, the design and development of which required the investment of substantial effort, time, and money.
      All rights in the 2024 RPM Event and the Materials are expressly reserved by RRI. You agree not to reproduce, copy, or otherwise duplicate, and not to distribute, lend, or otherwise transfer, the Materials without the prior written permission of RRI. You agree not to use the Materials in any way that would compromise the confidential and proprietary nature of the Materials.

      You further understand that the Materials presented by RRI in the 2024 RPM Event are intended solely for use in the program. You understand that while you are free to use the Materials for your own personal use, and free to tell others about the benefits you realized from the 2024 RPM Event, you agree not to resell, reproduce and sell, modify and sell, or repackage and sell the Materials. You agree that you will not use   the Materials for any purpose other than your own personal use except with the prior written permission of RRI. You agree not to deliver the Materials themselves, either reproduced or modified, or anything derived from the Materials, either orally or in writing, as part of any seminar, training program, workshop, consulting, or similar business activity which you make available to your clients, vendors or to others, except with the prior written permission of RRI.
    • You shall not, without prior written permission of RRI (which shall be in RRI’s sole discretion), do any of the following: (a) work around any technical limitations in the RPM Software; (b) reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the RPM Software; (c) publish the RPM Software or Materials for others to copy; (d) permit any third party to access the RPM Software except as permitted herein; (e) rent, lease, sell, or lend the RPM Software or Materials; (f) create derivate works based on the Materials; (g) access the 2024 RPM Event or RPM Software in order to build a competitive product or service, or copy any features, functions or graphics of the RPM Software or Materials; or (h) use the RPM Software in any way that is against the law.
    • In no event shall RRI's aggregate liability arising out of or related to these Terms, whether in contract, tort, or            under any other theory of liability, exceed an amount equal to 1/12th of the total amount paid by you to RRI in the twelve (12) consecutive months for the 2024 RPM Event preceding the incident causing the claim. In no event shall RRI have any liability to you for any       lost profits or revenues or for any indirect, special, incidental, consequential, or punitive damages however caused, whether in contract, tort or under any other theory of liability, and whether or not RRI has been advised of the possibility of such damages. The foregoing disclaimer shall not apply to the extent prohibited by applicable law.
    • No provision of these Terms may be waived unless in writing signed by you and RRI. Waiver of any one provision of these Terms shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any other provision of these Terms.
    • These Terms and the applicable Order Form shall be governed by and construed under and in accordance with the laws of the State of California and you hereby consents to the exclusive jurisdiction of, and to venue exclusively in, the courts of the State of California, Counties of Los Angeles and San Diego the United States courts located in the State of California, Central or Southern Districts of California in connection with any lawsuit, action or proceeding arising out of, or related to, these Terms. You agree and acknowledge that venue in any such court is and shall be convenient and you hereby irrevocably and unconditionally waive any claim or right to assert that any such court is or will be an inconvenient forum for any reason whatsoever. Each and all of the several rights and remedies provided in these Terms, or by law or in equity, shall be cumulative, and no one of them shall be exclusive of any other right of remedy, and the exercise of any one of such rights or remedies shall not be deemed a waiver of, or an election not to exercise any other such right or remedy.
    • RRI reserves the right to amend these Terms from time to time, in which case the new Terms shall supersede prior versions. RRI will use its best efforts to notify you of material changes not less than ten (10) days prior to the effective date of such amendment; provided however that whether or not such notice has been provided pursuant to this section, your continued use of the RPM Software following the effective date of any such amendment shall constitute consent to any such amendment and to the revised Terms.
    • IMPORTANT: Wire Transfer Routing Instructions
    • Make payable to: Robbins Research International, Inc.
    • City National Bank, 4275 Executive Square, Suite 750, La Jolla, CA 92037 USA ABA# 122016066 Account #027-376-738 SWIFT #CINAUS6L

    • If after attending the first meal break on Day 2 of the 2024 RPM Event you are not completely satisfied, just let us know. For live, in-person events, turn in your manual, name badge and other materials to our Customer Service representatives, and we will send you a refund for the 2024 RPM Event. A refund under this Satisfaction Guarantee is only available for paid admissions and not for any complimentary admission to the event. There will be no reimbursement for any transportation/ accommodation costs or for any other costs you may have incurred.
    • For any virtual 2024 RPM Event, Once the virtual 2024 RPM Event commences, if not completely satisfied any customers seeking a refund will need to click on a link you will be provided at the virtual 2024 RPM Event for RRI Customer Service, and complete the necessary form online after attending the first meal break on Day 2 of the Virtual 2024 RPM Event. REFUNDS ARE AUTHORIZED AT THIS TIME ONLY.To be eligible for a refund, Customer must have attended the virtual 2024 RPM Event until the first meal break of Day 2 and request your refund through this Customer Service link and complete the required form online. At Customer’s option, we will apply Customer tuition to another RRI event or product, or send Customer a full refund within 4-6 weeks based on the original method of payment. Once you apply for the Satisfaction Guarantee at this time, you will no longer have any access to the virtual 2024 RPM Event, and you agree to delete at that time any materials provided to you, including without limitation the 2025 RPM Event workbook.
    • A refund under this Satisfaction Guarantee section is only available if the event attended falls within the allowed transfer period described in Section 2 above.

© 2024 Robbins Research International, Inc. All rights reserved.
9051 Mira Mesa Blvd P.O. Box 261229, San Diego, CA 92126

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