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How to Boost Memory in Just 4 days?

Study Reveals 300% Increase in Cognitive Performance 

For decades, Tony Robbins has sold out massive venues for his iconic Unleash the Power Within live event.

At Unleash, Tony takes you through a carefully planned process over 4 days to confront your fears and limiting beliefs…

The process challenges you on a cognitive, emotional, and physical level...

It's designed to help you rewrite your personal narrative and unlock strength and determination you had no idea you possessed...

To spark a pivotal breakthrough where everything changes in your life – so you can start turning your dreams into reality.

As Tony puts it on his website, Unleash the Power Within helps you, “rewire your brain so you can create lasting change in any area of life in a single weekend.”

These are bold claims for anyone to make — but are they true?

To find out, a team of scientists at Snyder Lab of Genetics at Stanford University decided to put Unleash the Power Within to the test once and for all…

How the Unleash the Power Within
Study Was Conducted

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The research team’s focus was to investigate the effects of the Unleash the Power Within event as compared to a traditional lecture format.

The team presented the same material to both groups.

Much of what Tony has taught for over 45 years mirrors the same topics studied by scientists in the field of positive psychology — topics like engaged learning, positive emotions, and living a more fulfilling life.

In the traditional lecture, the material was presented over two days for approximately 22 hours. Participants sat while the lecturer stood and presented, much like a university course.

However, at Unleash, Tony took full advantage of state-of-the-art lighting and sound… as well as his own proprietary methods, which include varying tonal patterns and other hyperkinetic activities designed to create peak states. 

50 participants were assessed for study eligibility. However, twenty-four participants were excluded from the study for various reasons.

That left a total of 26 healthy adult men and women who enrolled in the study.

The Unleash group included 5 males and 8 females. The control group participants included 6 males and 7 females. All 26 participants completed all measurements throughout the study.

The research team wanted to objectively measure cognitive and physiological changes to see if Unleash the Power Within really lived up to the hype.  

Does it really create lasting change?

Could it be a powerful strategy for how to boost memory? 

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And if so, what exactly are those changes?

First, researchers measured physical activity with bio-harnesses strapped to each subject's body.

Then, they tracked cortisol levels through the saliva and documented subjective indicators of well-being.

Finally, they gave participants an exam on enhancing cognitive function.

And the results were shocking. Analysis indicated that 30 days after Unleash, subjects still demonstrated an elevated mood, more energy, and greater focus compared to the control subjects.

Their testosterone levels spiked…

And researchers were able to link those increased testosterone levels from the Unleash group to achieving a peak performance state.

To do this, they cited a previous study that demonstrated a link between testosterone levels and winning.

The study showed that increases in testosterone levels could accurately predict whether rugby players would win their next game.

The scientists concluded that higher testosterone levels in the Unleash group could mean they’re more likely to achieve their goals. 

But that’s not all…

Incredibly, the Unleash the Power Within subjects experienced a cognitive enhancement of as much as 300%.

Plus, they remembered more of the material than the traditional lecture group — a full 30 days later! 

The “Superhuman” Scientist Behind the Breakthrough Study on How to Improve Memory Power 

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Jacob Wilson Ph.D. is the co-author of the breakthrough study on Unleash the Power Within.  
As a kid, Dr. Wilson was a huge sports fan and loved Rocky IV. He remembers watching the training montages of Rocky and Ivan Drago in the movie and wondering...  
What would it be like to work with scientists who measure every aspect of sports performance to create the ultimate “superhuman”?  
And that’s why Dr. Wilson created the Applied Science and Performance Institute (ASPI). 
ASPI is a 22,000 square foot research center that precisely measures human performance... everything from speed, to power, to enhancing cognitive function, to body composition and post-concussion techniques on how to boost memory. 
And it’s been called the best performance facility in the world.  
ASPI’s research helps people reach their optimal performance so they can go beyond what we conventionally think is possible.  
And that’s why Dr. Wilson was interested in Unleash the Power Within. 
After publishing the Unleash study, he said,

“I’ve been doing research for almost 20 years and have published almost 300 papers. I’ve never seen anything like this. The results are absolutely incredible.”  
As the study put it: 
“Research indicates that an individual's state strongly impacts the strength of memory consolidation.” 
In other words… 
The subjects who attended Unleash the Power Within were able to change their mental and emotional state… which is why their memories improved so dramatically.  
And get this: Reports from real people who attended Unleash the Power Within also line up with the study’s findings...   

Case Studies From the Science

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“I feel 100% happier.”  
Adam, a 35-year-old comedian said, “I started making more money, working less, and feeling 100% happier. It’s been life-changing ever since. Experience it and it will change your life.”  
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“I hit all my goals.”
Anthony is a 32-year-old marketing consultant who was overworked and miserable. He worked nights and weekends, 60 hours or more per week – without vacations – for 7 years. But after Unleash the Power Within, his life changed.   
He said, “After my first Unleash the Power Within, I wrote down all of my goals. I wanted to hit six figures. I wanted to make $10,000 per month in passive income. And I hit those goals. It’s the best decision you’ll ever make for your life. Your life will never be the same.” 
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“I am alive again.”
Claudia, a 36-year-old interpreter, said, “My relationships transformed because I started putting myself first. It was like I became a magnet for all the good things I wanted to happen in my life. My life will never be the same because I am alive again.”  
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“I lost 75 pounds and my income tripled.”  
Jaci, a 52-year-old realtor, said, “My whole life has totally changed because of Tony’s program. I lost 75 pounds. I used to be diabetic. I’m not anymore. My income has tripled. Trust that this is going to make a difference in your life. I promise you it will.”  
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“I launched a million-dollar business.”  
David is a 43-year-old business owner who lost everything after the great recession of 2008. He said, “I launched a million-dollar business from Unleash the Power Within.”  
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“I feel 100% happier.”  
Adam, a 35-year-old comedian said, “I started making more money, working less, and feeling 100% happier. It’s been life-changing ever since. Experience it and it will change your life.”  
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“I hit all my goals.”
Anthony is a 32-year-old marketing consultant who was overworked and miserable. He worked nights and weekends, 60 hours or more per week – without vacations – for 7 years. But after Unleash the Power Within, his life changed.   
He said, “After my first Unleash the Power Within, I wrote down all of my goals. I wanted to hit six figures. I wanted to make $10,000 per month in passive income. And I hit those goals. It’s the best decision you’ll ever make for your life. Your life will never be the same.” 
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“I am alive again.”
Claudia, a 36-year-old interpreter, said, “My relationships transformed because I started putting myself first. It was like I became a magnet for all the good things I wanted to happen in my life. My life will never be the same because I am alive again.”  
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“I lost 75 pounds and my income tripled.”  
Jaci, a 52-year-old realtor, said, “My whole life has totally changed because of Tony’s program. I lost 75 pounds. I used to be diabetic. I’m not anymore. My income has tripled. Trust that this is going to make a difference in your life. I promise you it will.”  
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“I launched a million-dollar business.”  
David is a 43-year-old business owner who lost everything after the great recession of 2008. He said, “I launched a million-dollar business from Unleash the Power Within.”  

Explore the science of Tony Robbins

Learn more about this year’s Unleash the Power Within

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